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Re: Macros and Spl

At 05:12 AM 12/29/00 -0800, Morris Krok wrote:
>  Jordan, in my experience working with Xywrite since 1989, nothing beats
>the spl system. When you combine Spl (personal dictionary) with some

Autoreplace is great, however it does just that -- autoreplace. Not a
substitute for a macro.

>  There are however, many ways to skin a cat and as far as my html spl
>file, one can use this method.
>bo # >"#" character can be used in this manner. On the command line place "seb >/#/" and press F9, then delete and start typing. Instead of deleting # >singly, one can delete all of them at the end with one change replace But why so roundabout? For example, you can write a small program that inserts

and goes back 5 spaces. Then you map it to a saveget key, and wopee -- instant html code, without any additional fiddling. But if your html needs are simple, I wonder: would a simple search/replace macro not suffice to convert a XYwrite file to HTML, considering how similar XYwrite and html are? Or is there something obvious I am missing? -- Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo -- "Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong." (Oscar Wilde)